Dawn Bucks

Title: 3rd/4th Combination
Email: dawnb@dodson.k12.mt.us
Hi, My name is Dawn Bucks and I am new to Montana. I moved here from South Dakota. My family moved here due to my husband's new job as the Malta School Superintendent. My family consists of four children, a son (married with a 6 month daughter, lives in ND), a daughter going to college online for vet tech (lives in ND), and two children still living at home. Jonah is a junior in Malta and Kinsley is in 5th grade.
I have my master's degree from Saint Mary's University, MN. I recently went back to college and obtained a Graduate Degree Certification in Dyslexia. This is my 26+ year of teaching. My whole career consists of being a special education teacher and special education director for ages Pre K - age 21. I jumped on board this summer as an elementary summer school teacher.
I am extremely excited and eager to start my new job as the 3rd/4th grade teacher here in Dodson. I look forward to all this year has in store for me and my students. It is going to be a learning-centered environment with TONS of fun and positive energy for everyone.
Go Coyotes! !